Wednesday 16 April 2014

Doggy Daycare

I've started taking the B's to a doggy daycare and can report it's a raging success.  Originally I didn't think this was an option as Bella would get nervous and anxious around other dogs (ducks = curious; chickens = let's play; dogs = what the heck is that thing!) but a weekend away with friends and their dog showed me that it might be possible.

After an initial consultation day where she had no issues they now go once or twice a week.  I get regular pictures and videos and can see they both love it, running around playing crazy tag, playing with other dogs and lots of wagging tails.  And the best thing - they are absolutely knackered when they get back!

Surprisingly it looks like Bella is the manic, active one and Benji is the calmer, reserved one when they are at daycare.  This is bizarre and it's like they do a Freaky Friday switch when they get there then switch back when they get home.  Speaking to other dog owners it sounds like this is pretty normal that the active dog at home is more reserved at daycare and vice versa so I'm not worried.

Benji is currently curled up at my feet in a patch of sunshine and Bella is lounging in the garden - doggy daycare rules!

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