Friday 11 July 2014

Nail clipping

Let's be clear, the B's hate having their nails cut.  The only way to do it was to wave a really tasty treat in front of their nose, have one person grab and hold them in a bear hug while the other quickly clipped nails as fast as possible.  Then it was a case of letting them scrabble down to solid ground and to safety and wolf down the treat.  So fair to say it was a stressful event for everyone involved.  In fact it was so stressful we often put off the task for weeks on end.

This weekend it was clear their nails needed trimming and I was home alone with no partner in crime.  I considered doing both the bear hug and clipping myself but quickly realised that was never going to work.  Luckily I found a super easy way to do it all by myself.

I sat down next to them and cut up half a dried chicken sausage into tiny pieces.  The noise and the smell was enough to get their attention and before I'd finished they were both lying at my feet waiting for the treats.  So all I did was pick up a paw and give a treat.  Then I clipped one nail and again gave a treat.  And that was it.  They both sat there quite happily while I picked up a paw in turns and clipped a nail.  No struggling, no squealing and no stress.  All I can say is thank you for greedy dogs.