Wednesday 28 March 2012

Wag the dog

I just watched It's Me Or The Dog USA and Victoria mentioned that a wagging tail, especially a rapid movement, doesn't always indicate a happy dog.  It can also mean that the dog is aroused.  Now I'm choosing to use the ready for action interpretation of the word but you can make up your own mind.

I now understand his reaction at the vets earlier today.  Also explains those dogs with super fast wagging tails that look like they want to attack.  You know, those dogs that come running up, stop dead inches away and stand there with their tales wagging a mile a minute.  I thought I was being overly cautious and a killjoy by not letting Benji off the lead to play but I am now glad that I didn't succumb.

Spring boost

I took Benji to the vets today to get his booster vaccinations.  That means it's been a year since he padded into our lives.   One year in which he's completely and utterly become part of our way of life.

He was the most well behaved dog leaving the house, in the car, in the waiting room (well a little excited playing with the other dogs but pretty tame compared to his past self).  Then his usual vet walked into the waiting room and he went ... well crazy.  Jumping, barking, hiding behind me but still curiously wagging his tail.  I think he now has a love/hate relationship with him so I'm going to have to be careful about his visits.  Like any sentient being he's losing his innocence and naivete through experience.  I'm not sure exactly how that makes me feel.

I don't know if it's the border terrier breed or just his great nature but he was wonderful with the vaccinations.  The kennel cough is a syringe that's squirted up the nose and he didn't make a peep.  Then with the injection he didn't even flinch.  I only wish I was that well behaved with the nurse.

Only reason he got the KC shot was so he can go to doggy daycare.  There was a bout of it going round a few months ago and most of his friends had it but not him.  Hardy little terrier.  So now it's daycare centres research.  Long live the internet.

Going to give it a few weeks then give him the rabies vaccination to complete his pet passport.  Not sure if we'll ever get away but I'm sure that the dogs paperwork won't be the cause.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Sun bunny

Nothing better than lazing in the sun.  At times like this I wish I was a dog.  Politics, computing, heck even keeping your home clean are alien concepts.  There is no thinking just pure instincts.  Much like The Fool it's a simple world full of delights.

Monday 23 January 2012

Monday morning

It's the Monday after another crazy DIY-filled weekend and we're all feeling a little hazy